Get nakd!

I’m always on the lookout for some not-totally-unhealthy snacks to get me through each day of legal paper shuffling. Often I bake granola bars on Sunday evening, but in this hot spell I have been avoiding switching on the oven. Instead I have been buying “Nakd” bars in multi packs.

They sound so sin free:

unbaked, no added sugar or preservatives and made of fruit. The main ingredient for all these bars seems to be dates and raisins, squished up into an unidentifiable pulp and set into a bar. The “Berry Delight” bar has a totally overwhelming taste and perfume of berries. Maybe it is an acquired taste, but I was not too keen. Instead I have been munching on the unsurprisingly named “Cocoa Delight”, which I would have thought should taste of chocolate. I know some people think these particular bars taste like brownies, but this is a stretch too far. They may not match the addictive quality of sugary treats, but there is none of the sugar high (and low) that accompanies most of my favourite things, never fail to perk me up and are great for on the go. Time to embrace the vegan raw whole-food movement?

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